What is the 7-Part StoryBrand Framework?

I love to share the method I use as a Certified Storybrand Guide, to not only increase my business success but that of my clients!

Image of the Building a StoryBrand

Simply put, StoryBrand is a 7-part marketing framework designed and proven to make businesses money. Donald Miller, the author of the book Building a StoryBrand, has created, perfected and shared this method. It is all based on the 7 elements of storytelling.

7 Parts of Story Telling:

  1. The character
  2. Problem
  3. Guide
  4. Plan
  5. Call – To – Action
  6. Success
  7. Failures

When these story elements are applied to your business, organization, or non-profit… you get a framework for marketing that is proven to convert sales and ultimately make you money!

Isn’t pretty branding enough?

Personally, I love all things pretty! This isn’t a secret. As a professional designer, pretty is my business. I am often compelled to purchase items, simply because they have pretty packaging. BUT, this is the real kicker….

Pretty doesn’t convert sales.

I know. The knowledge of this broke my heart too. I genuinely believed that if we could create beautiful brand collateral for our clients, it would sell, sell, sell. I was wrong. The sales don’t come from pretty branding. Which left me scratching my head in wonder. If pretty doesn’t sell – what does?

What service will make my clients money?

How can we deliver gorgeous designs that are a worthwhile investment for our clients? What is the secret sauce?

The answer is clear messaging.

All the SEO, awesome branding, and incredible social media mean nothing if your message isn’t clear. Do me a favor. Take a look at your brand from your client’s point of view. Can they EASILY answer these three questions?

  1. What do you offer?
  2. How can it make my life better?
  3. How do I get it?

Don’t be surprised if you answered with, no or not really. You’re not alone. It is super hard to flip the script and create copy that puts the clients front and center. We have been conditioned to talk about our own businesses and our passions as they relate to us. Rarely do we clarify how we are going to help the client solve their problems.

Did you know it only takes 1/10 of a second to form a first impression (8 Ways, 2019)? Furthermore, you have 30 seconds or less to communicate your message via website. If your message and branding collateral do not communicate what problems you are solving and how to buy that service, you are leaving money on the table.

I was tired of building gorgeous designs that languished when it came to sales. so….

I Certified as a StoryBrand Guide

It was an obvious solution. StoryBrand Certification allowed me to level up my skills and increase value for all of my clients. By combining strategic branding, clear messaging, and beautiful designs my clients would see an increase in their revenue and community impact.

In December of 2020, I earned my certification and now help my clients actually make a difference their bottom line. I believe our success is directly tied to the clients and people we serve. When they feel supported and transformed – we grow. It is that simple.

My favorite aspect of storybranding is the ability to market services and non-profits in a way that is authentic, effective, and simple. My clients are all servant-hearted and the last thing they want to do is traditional marketing that leaves them feeling gross. With storybrand, we get to tell our story in way that increases our impact! Win -Win!

Storybrand Guide Certification Badge

Not convinced?

More of a DIYer? That’s cool by us. We love the can-do attitude it takes to run a business. We recommend you check out the live stream class that Story Brand experts offer.

*I am an affiliate with Story Brand and will receive a small commission for referring you to this course. Thank you!